Candle Use Guidelines

Before Lighting:


  • Set Intentions: Focus on your goals or healing wishes before lighting.


  •  Before burning, trim the wick to ¼ inch using a wick trimmer, nail clippers, or scissors. Long or crooked wicks can cause uneven burning, dripping, or flaring.


  •  Keep the wax pool clear of wick trimmings, matches, and debris at all times.


  •  Always use a heat-resistant, sturdy candle holder that is large enough to contain any drips or melted wax.


  •  Avoid drafts, vents, or air currents to prevent rapid or uneven burning, and excessive dripping.


  •  Use long matches or a long-reach lighter and keep hair and loose clothing away from the flame.


  •  Burn for 1-2 hours or until the wax pool reaches the edge. Avoid burning for more than 4 hours at a time to prevent overheating.

    While Burning:

    • Never Leave Unattended: Always supervise burning candles.


    •  Keep burning candles away from furniture, drapes, bedding, carpets, books, paper, flammable decorations, etc. Place candles at least three inches apart.

      When Extinguishing a Candle:

      •  Use a candle snuffer to extinguish a candle safely and prevent hot wax splattering.


      •  Never use water to extinguish a candle, as it can cause splattering and break a glass container.


      •  Make sure the candle is completely out, and the wick ember is no longer glowing before leaving the room.


      • Allow Cooling: Do not touch or move the candle until it has completely cooled to avoid accidents.